Some student work from the November 2019 Creating and Understanding Russian Icons workshop taught by Elizabeth Brookbanks. Course participant Helen explained the course to us:
“Our Saturday started with an introduction to Russian iconography. It was a fascinating potted history. Libby provided a sample of icon images to get us started planning our own icon design. Some students used these images as a basis for their own artworks, and others came with their own ideas. We started sketching the outlines of our design whilst Libby continued to talk through history, technique and her own iconography practice.
“On Sunday, we finalised our sketches and transferred these images to our panels. Most of us had not used gouache so we were introduced to this lovely medium and started painting our icons. A gilding effect was created behind the heads of our saints over the top of a vermillion-coloured paint. Libby showed us how to create our artworks step by step, allowing even non-artists like me to produce work I was happy to hang on my wall at home. The process really built my confidence and I’ve started a new project at home.”
This course will be taught again in 2020 in March and November. Details here
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