The Venice Biennale is one of the most important international arts events in the world. It is held every two years in Venice, Italy and is regarded as the Olympics of the art-world.
We’re delighted that Dr Libby Brookbanks is joining our programme this year to educate and entertain us about the Venice Biennale. From understanding the history of NZ’s presence at the event, understanding the selection process, being able to talk about NZ’s representatives and their art, and the 2019 representatives, you’ll gain a strong appreciation for this amazing event.
This course will appeal to art enthusiasts and those planning to visit the Biennale this year. The course starts on 12 June and you can enrol here
In 2013, Libby worked for Creative New Zealand as Marketing and Public Programmes Coordinator for the Venice Biennale. During this time she gained insight into the challenges and significance of representing New Zealand at Venice.

2013 Biennale
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