Take a look back in time to travel with some of the key figures who collected, stole and swindled plants from the wilds of The Americas, Asia and Oceania to give us todays edible and common landscape plants. This will help give you an understanding of the effort required to collect and propagate plants from their original habitat so they can grown in today’s gardens.
Come and take a look back in time to travel with some of the key figures who collected, stole and swindled plants from the wilds of The Americas, Asia and Oceania to give us todays edible and common landscape plants. And we will take a look at the profits made and the geopolitical environment that drove the Plant Hunters of the 16th to 19th Centuries.
Anyone keen to understand just how some of our common fruit trees or ornamentals have actually appeared in todays gardens.
Paul, now retired, has been in horticulture and gardening all his working life. He has owned a landscape company specialising in small space gardens and planters, had an extensive involvement with indoor landscaping, design and maintenance, and for several years (while completing a Psychology Degree) was involved in organic gardening for vocational support/rehabilitation with mental health patients. Paul brings a wealth of experience to his tutoring at Selwyn.
He has a keen interest in the who and how modern plants have arrived in our gardens and see the fascination of how much dirty dealing went on behind closed doors just so we can enjoy our nutmeg spice or mango fruit of today.
Open Hours
Term Time: Monday - Wednesday 9:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
School Holidays: When courses are running the office is open 9:00am - 4:00pm