Come and confidentially learn to plan your financial future by understanding how to get the most out of financial advisers or how to do it yourself. You will learn about shares, property, insurance, safe assets and socially responsible investment plus a lot more! Register yourself and partner together and pay only one course fee.
This group course covers the simple issues and processes that should be followed when creating a personal financial plan, goal setting tips, investment basics, tax, risk, and estate planning. Topics covered includes shares, property, insurance, safe assets, borrowing / gearing, diversification, setting the right risk profile and investment horizons, ethics and socially responsible investment, direct investment and market trends.
The goal of this course is to better protect you and build your financial confidence through easy-to-understand important financial education and share with you how other kiwis achieve their own financial independence quickly and safely.
We invite you to register your partner to attend at no additional charge.
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Phone on silent, water bottle, lunch for weekend option, pen and paper.
Dylan started his own financial banking license and employed over 225 financial advisers around Australia, to work under his brand iPRAXIS Pty Ltd. As CEO, Dylan was essentially responsible for the professional conduct, training and ongoing support of all his financial advisers, positioned throughout Australia & Philippines now in New Zealand with The Advice Hub Ltd.
Dylan has been teaching adult education at community colleges in Australia and since 2001 and in New Zealand from 2016, covering all financial advisory topics. Community education has remained close to his heart, as he is committed to sharing financial knowledge with his community.
Open Hours
Term Time: Monday - Wednesday 9:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
School Holidays: When courses are running the office is open 9:00am - 4:00pm