Jin Shin Jyutsu is founded on the principle that in order to heal the body the person must strengthen and harmonise the flow of energy from within. In this course you will learn a routine for your daily energy needs, hand positions for the restoration of your health and wellbeing.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is founded on the principle that in order to heal the body the person must strengthen and harmonise the flow of energy from within. In this course you will learn a routine for your daily energy needs, hand positions for the restoration of your health and wellbeing.
Learn to practice and understand this 5000 year old art of reawakening one’s awareness. During this course you will learn conscious breathing, and eight powerful mudras (postures and hand positions) for the restoration of health and healing.
Jin Shin Jyutsu is a 5000 year old art of reawakening one’s awareness and understanding of Now Know Myself. It is founded on the principle that in order to heal the body the person must strengthen and harmonise the flow of energy from within. Quite simply, Jin Shin Jyutsu is a way to balance life energy. This life energy that surrounds us is always available to us in the form of the breath. This breath is combined with the simple application of hand and finger holds that we apply to “jumper cable’ the body.
It can be used safely in conjunction with any other therapy or medications and can be used anywhere and at any time.
Whilst the majority of the course will be applying Jin Shin Jyutsu, your teacher will also be sharing other gems she has learnt on her journey. For example, Donna Eden’s 5-minute energy routine, techniques to calm fight/flight/freeze response, neurovascular reflex points, neurolymphatic points, plus a powerful one-minute Qigong exercise to stimulate energy in the body.
Note pad and pen, bring a yoga mat, plus a cushion to sit on.
This course is for anybody who wants to explore how the body can heal itself, for those interested in finding out about Jin Shin Jyutsu, and for those ready to take control of their own reality and apply what they learn.
My journey into this field of natural health began 40 years ago. While pregnant with my first child, I went to a Holistic Healer to support a healthy baby and pregnancy. Her advice allowed me to treat my children successfully and naturally for any ailments they had. This experience of providing the body with what it needed in order to be well led to me studying several different modalities. I started a natural remedies support group for young Mums and Dads by providing speakers from all over the country on how we can treat our children naturally.
When I started my own clinic, my passion was to empower people to help themselves. This class is to share a powerful art to restore harmony to mind, body and spirit so we can shift to a new positive way of living and being.
Open Hours
Term Time: Monday - Wednesday 9:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
School Holidays: When courses are running the office is open 9:00am - 4:00pm