Haere Mai, Welcome! Join Ariana to learn more about your local bush and the plants within. Discover some simple methods of plant medicine preparation and home remedies for common ailments and conditions and learn how to make teas with kawakawa, kānuka and horopito.
Haere Mai, Welcome! Join Ariana to learn more about your local bush and the plants within. Discover some simple methods of plant medicine preparation and home remedies for common ailments and conditions and learn how to make teas with kawakawa, kānuka and horopito.
Bring walking shoes (it could be muddy) and rain coat (or sunblock and hat if the weather is fine). Please note there will not be time to leave the premises for lunch so please bring something to eat for a working lunch. Bring a camera if you'd like to take photos of the plants we identify.
Those interested in our native plants and their uses, those interested in bush walking and conservation in NZ, health professionals, and enthusiasts.
Kai Tahu, Kati Mamoe, Waitaha
Ariana grew up in the Deep South of Murihiku, which fostered her love for the whenua, her whakapapa and whānau. In her professional life she practices Māori Healing, currently she is contracted with Turanga Health in Gisborne and has a private practice in her home clinic in Murihiku also. She works with kaumatua, pakeke and rangatahi. In her spare time she enjoys creative writing and has had several poems published in anthologies across Aotearoa. Her son Rehua was born last year, her current writing project centres around her Hapūtanga and the magic of being a mama and growing up in Murihiku as well.
I learnt a lot in the 2 days we had. And was really surprised on how well the remedies work. For example; on the first day I had a mild headache and one of the remedies we did was using steeped kawakawa leaves as a poultice. I had the leaves placed all over my head and left on for 20mins. After I had this done my headache was gone!
Open Hours
Term Time: Monday - Wednesday 9:00am - 9:00pm
Thursday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm
School Holidays: When courses are running the office is open 9:00am - 4:00pm